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Prenuptial agreements are contracts that describe in writing what will happen in the event a couple’s marriage ends, whether by divorce or the death of one spouse. It generally identifies what happens to a couple’s assets, the amount one of the parties will pay to the other in spousal support, and for how long, and can even direct what the surviving spouse will receive should the other spouse die.


Prenuptial agreements are commonly considered something only wealthy couples need. However, nothing can be further from the truth. The benefits of a prenuptial agreement are available to any couple engaged to be married, whether well-to-do or of more modest means.

Tennessee Family Law Attorneys Who Understand Prenuptial Agreements

In Tennessee, specific rules must be followed in drafting a prenuptial agreement. The same rules that apply to all contracts also apply to prenuptial agreements. Following the law, as it relates to all contracts increases the likelihood that a prenuptial agreement will be valid and enforceable should the marriage end.

In order to have a valid and enforceable prenuptial agreement, there must be a full disclosure of the income, assets, and all other financial information by both parties. Additionally, the prenuptial agreement cannot be the result of coercion or made under duress.


Statistics show that at least one out of two marriages ends in divorce. Divorces are often accompanied by a great deal of stress and uncertainty. Preparing a solid and binding prenuptial agreement as part of the preparation for marriage can alleviate much of the anxiety. A couple can decide how many of the issues will be determined if the marriage does not work out at a time when their feelings toward each other are the most generous, rather than in the middle of a contentious divorce.

Guiding You through the Prenuptial Process

Many couples are reluctant to broach the subject of a prenuptial agreement. It can, after all, be very uncomfortable and carries with it the risk of alienating one’s future spouse. Negotiating the end of one’s marriage before it has actually begun is a complex subject to bring up with each other.


At Richter Family Law Group, P.C., we understand this reluctance. We also know the intense pain and anxiety that comes with a contentious and vengeful divorce.  We also know that by preparing a solid and well-thought-out prenuptial agreement, a couple increases the likelihood that a divorce will be less costly, less emotionally wearing, and less time-consuming than most. By planning now in the best of times when not adversaries, a couple ensures the best opportunity for a fair, equitable, and less costly divorce if one should occur in the future.

Contact a Tennessee Prenuptial Attorney

If you are planning to get married, you may want to consider a prenuptial agreement seriously. Broaching the subject early in an engagement can decrease the awkwardness often associated with the subject. If fact, we can help you broach the subject as part of pre-marriage financial planning. As part of this service, we can help you draft a will, a living will, and healthcare power of attorney. During this process, we often suggest a prenuptial agreement as well.


In fact, at Richter Family Law Group, P.C., we use prenuptial agreements to aid our clients in protecting their assets and providing security for their children. We can give you help with your prenuptial agreement, but the sooner you talk to an attorney about drafting a prenuptial agreement, the better off you will be.


We serve clients in Nashville, Franklin, Murfreesboro, Memphis, Germantown, Millington, Cordova, Bartlett, Collierville, and all of West and Middle, Tennessee.


Contact us to schedule a confidential consultation at our conveniently located offices in Memphis, Tennessee by calling us at 901-410-5490, or in Middle Tennessee by calling us at 615-656-7920, or by sending us an email at

Serving clients in Nashville, Franklin, Murfreesboro, Memphis, Germantown, Millington, Cordova, Bartlett, Collierville and all of West and Middle Tennessee.

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